Sarajevska Tribina

Zijad Pasic


Zijad Pasic, Minister of Education in FBiH, BiH

Part of the speech:

Education for the culture of peace in BiH

Developing awareness of young people about the necessity of creating a peace, coexistence, and tolerance, as well as teaching the present and future generations about the concepts and skills of creating the culture of peace, are the best ways to contribute to collective process of country recuperation. Of course, the education has the main role in creating the culture of peace.

As we already noticed in the document about educational reform, we will begin the reconstruction of the culture of peace by removing politics from classrooms, as well as removing the practice and term "two schools under the same roof" from our life and language. In our strategy document, we promised (Promise 1) to work "in order to ensure that all children have an opportunity of qualitative education in integrated multicultural school on all levels, free of political, religious, cultural and other prejudices and discrimination, where the rights of all children are respected". All our activities in all segments of the educational reform have to be based on this idea and led by this promise and purpose...

...Additionally, the purpose of education is to develop the consciousness of belonging to the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to our own cultural identity, language, and tradition in the way appropriate for civilization heritage - meeting and respecting others and people who are different, respecting differences and nourishing mutual understanding, tolerance and solidarity among all people, nations and communities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world.